Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

The 'flow state', as adeptly conceptualized by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, represents a psychological phenomenon where an individual becomes fully immersed in an engaging activity, transcending the mundanity of routine existence. From the nuanced perspective of Iain McGilchrist, this state can be seen as an exquisite alignment between the hemispheres of the brain: the intuition and empathy of the right hemisphere harmonize seamlessly with the focus and analytic acumen of the left. This synergistic relationship allows one to act with a sublime sense of purpose and creativity, feeling both deeply attentive and effortlessly competent. In this optimal state, time dilates or contracts in curious ways, self-consciousness diminishes, and the activity performed seems intrinsically rewarding. Such a state epitomizes a rare unity of cognitive and emotional faculties, providing a glimpse into the potentialities of the human mind when liberated from disjointed, overly rational modes of thought.

See also: right hemisphere, left hemisphere, corpus callosum, consciousness

Iain McGilchrist Λ John Vervaeke on Reality, God, Meaning, Consciousness, and Being 59,464