What is this?

Flow state is an optimal psychological state of intense focus and absorption in an activity, where one’s sense of self and place in time are temporarily suspended. It is marked by a state of “optimal experience”, in which concentration and motivation are heightened, one’s skill set is pushed to its limits and production of creative ideas and solutions to problems is increased. Flow state has been closely studied by sports psychologists, but has broader implications in everyday life. Iain McGilchrist emphasizes that it is a state of mind which requires both single pointedness and awareness of context, as well as an ability to be flexible and adjust to whatever may occur. Becoming over-engrossed in a task can lead to poor decision-making and stagnancy, while losing focus can hamper progress, but when employers, employees, and individuals alike can find the balance between focus and flexibility, the greatest accomplishments can be achieved.

See also: right hemisphere, left hemisphere, corpus callosum, consciousness

Iain McGilchrist Λ John Vervaeke on Reality, God, Meaning, Consciousness, and Being 59,464